Thursday, August 06, 2009

Family...what are these ties made of?

Yesterday was Rakshabandhan. My brothers got their rakhis from me. Usual camaraderie and joking...shared history has a power that connects you despite the different personalities and the routes our lives have taken.

Then I thought of the people who became my brothers on the way. This usually happens in your growing up years...since mine were the college years, my brothers came along then.

I have not met them in years. I met Deepu, maybe 3 years ago. But now Facebook has snapped the distance between India and the US, and I am quite clued in on some stuff in his life. That his wife is a friend, also helps. This year I have managed to get his I SMSed him. And in true Deepu style, SMSed back that the gift would be pending!

Shylesh...I have had the chance to meet him a few times in the last couple of years. Same silences, same connect, same power to move with absolutely nothing. How does that happen? I SMSed him this year... And what should I expect? Silence. Yeah.

JK...had lost him to time for a while. He somehow found my number and called about 5 years ago. A call or two in between. Then lost him again. But heard of him from friends, every few months. His father passed away...I thought of calling him. Like I did with Shibu, when his dad passed away...I would only end up crying...would that help?

Yesterday, got his number from a friend. SMSed him. And what a response! All the time and distance in between got wiped out.

We have never sat and chatted for hours ever. Then how come such a bond exists? What is it made of?

Richard Bach says, "Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof. " Would that answer my question?